Field Notes 03

MFAH Glassell School of Art  

Steven Holl Architects_2018_Houston, TX

Working with a group, Rylie Davis, Lene Sollie, Jane Van Velden. Field Study 3 asked us to understand a building through time, as an assemblage of materials and components rather than a static object. On a site visit, our group quickly became fascinated by the multitude of silicone joints that covered the building; silicone seemed to mediate every connection. The interest in silicone led to a life-cycle analysis of the product and documentation of the labor required by its use in architecture. Working backward from the construction site we identified two main timelines, the design, and the product. From Steven Holl’s New York office to the Silica mine in Mill Creek, Oklahoma we traced the workers and procedures required to produce and utilize silicone caulk. A notated graphic novel was used to document the different points and conditions along the journey.